

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Two pictures that summarize Copyright and Creative Commons

Possibilities and limits of the internet

Internet is without a doubt one of the most influencial inventions in history.
What Can we use the internet for? What are the limits of the internet?   In your opinion, What is the coolest thing you can do on the internet ?

Answer these questions on Padlet.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016


This week we are going to start learning about CopyRight. I have found two videos that are going to help us undestand what it is.

There is also a website that is very useful when it comes to Copyright. Copyrightkids

Using blogpad pro

From now we are going to use this app to work on our blogs. Now it is easier to upload pictures to your blog.    How to add images to your blog.  

Monday, 10 October 2016

How to Change the Keyboard Language on iPad Quickly

Hello guys!

Some of you didn't know how to add English language to your keyboard on the Ipad. Read the next information and you will be able to change it quickly.

How to Change the Keyboard Language on iPad Quickly

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Technology and society


The last Friday we were still working on technology and society. In the previous class, the students wrote their opinions about how technology has changed society through a collaborative tool called padlet. The week before we also played Kahoot to find out how we use technology in our daily lives.

We kept talking about the aspects that technology has changed our society and how it changed it. Finally the students learnt how to make a word cloud and they made their first one with the website Tagul.

In the next class they will upload their word cloud about technology and society to their blogs. Some of them already tried it but they didn't know how to do it. This is because some tools of Blogger don't work properly on the Ipad, For that reason we are going to work with the app BlogPad Pro.

Moreover we are going to start working on copyright since one of the students copied and pasted on the Padlet task, so I'll use this situation to talk about the importance of copyright.